How to Build Your Client Outreach Roadmap

By Rachael Kraft | May 8, 2023

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Find New Clients With A 3-Prong Approach

You’re ready to build a sustainable writing career…

One with a steady stream of well-paying clients and a feeling of security for your future. 

But how do you get there? What steps should you take?

Today, we’re going to build a Client Outreach Roadmap so you have a simple and clear path forward. But before we dive in, let’s be clear on one thing…

Every writer’s situation is unique: 

  • Maybe you plan to write for just one or two clients for some spare time cash,
  • Perhaps you’re happy as a part-time writer while you earn your main income from a separate full-time job,
  • Or, maybe you plan to be a full-time copywriter or content writer with a goal of earning $50k, $100k, or more.

Regardless of what your ideal writer’s life looks like, one thing remains true… 

You need clients!

And when you’re just starting out, the idea of finding clients can feel overwhelming. Just remember, it gets easier the longer you do it.  

All you need is a plan to get started.  

So, let’s build your roadmap…

How to Build Your Client Outreach Roadmap

When building your roadmap, you’ll need to take into consideration two important resources – your time and energy.

Without both of these, you’ll find yourself hitting a wall of frustration. So, when you’re choosing your methods of client outreach, keep your specific situation in mind.

  • Don’t plan to attend expensive marketing conferences multiple times a year if your family situation doesn’t allow for time away,
  • Don’t look for a full-time in-house writing position if you know you can only write 20 hours per week,
  • And don’t plan to build an extensive writing website if you know you won’t have the resources to finish or maintain the project.

Instead, look at this list of 22 client outreach methods and find the ones that seem doable and sustainable for YOUR specific situation.

While you’re reading the list, mark at least six methods that spark your interest.

(Find more information about each of these client outreach methods on AWAI’s No-Stress Method for Getting Clients. Or, look for the free “how to find clients” articles, webinars, and resources available on

The Best Client Outreach Methods to Get Started

  • Your Local Network Use the tactics described last month by Rebekah Mays to connect with potential clients in your local network (friends, family, and beyond).
  • LinkedIn – Build a professional profile on LinkedIn and use this platform to connect with potential clients. Post content, make connections, and even search for job opportunities.
  • Build a Website – Build a website on a platform such as WordPress or Weebly so potential clients can see your experience, read your testimonials, and browse your original articles.
  • Warm/Cold Email Prospecting – Research companies you’d like to write for and send a simple email series to introduce yourself and ask if they need a writer.
  • Freelance Websites (Like Upwork) – Build a writing profile on a freelance site like Upwork to attract clients and “bid” on specific writing projects.
  • In-House Jobs – It’s perfectly fine to get an official J-O-B as a copywriter! Apply for positions on a site like and work for one company either in their office or through remote work. Gain security and earn benefits like health insurance.
  • Job Boards – Use other job boards that include both in-house and freelance positions. Check out sites like
  • Spec Assignments – Attend an event like AWAI’s Bootcamp where companies post spec assignments to test out new writers. If they like your writing, they’ll hire you!
  • Marketing Agencies – Find an agency that provides copywriting services to other businesses and apply to be one of their go-to writers.

Get a Little Fancier With These Outreach Methods

  • Trade Shows – Attend a tradeshow in your chosen niche and introduce yourself to potential clients at the event. Be sure to collect lots of business cards and follow up!
  • Attend Marketing Conferences – Attend a marketing conference where clients go to learn how to grow their businesses. They’ll be thrilled to meet you there!
  • Build Your Network – Make friends and build your network both online and in-person. Every handshake and every conversation is a potential new client.  
  • Ask for Referrals – Ask your existing clients and connections to refer you to their colleagues. Request an introduction so you can start new relationships on the right foot.
  • Overflow Work from Other Writers – Make friends with other copywriters who have too much work to handle on their own. One day, they can return the favor! 

Long-Term Outreach Strategies

  • Inbound Marketing – Create useful content to post on your website and social media to attract prospects so they come to you for help. 
  • Write a Blog – Write content that would be useful to people in your industry so they find your blog and request your services.  
  • Build an Email List – Create a useful freebie or guide on your website and offer it for free to anyone who signs up for your email list.  
  • Write an E-Newsletter – Send regular (and useful) content to your email list so you become their “go-to” writer.
  • Post on Social Media – Post regular content on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram to attract clients who need your writing skills.

Other Outreach Strategies to Try

  • Snail Mail – Use physical mail to connect with prospects. This can be expensive so be strategic and only send to potential clients when it can have the maximum impact.
  • Money-Making Website – Build a website about a topic you love – write regular content, insert affiliate links, and even post ads. As your site gains authority, it will start earning you money. Nick Usborne has a great course on this topic!
  • Public Speaking – Prepare a speech about a subject that will be useful to your potential clients. Look for podcasts, local meetings, or even larger conferences where you can deliver your presentation.

Setting the Stage for Success

Okay, did you choose at least six outreach methods that feel like strong options?

If not, go back and reread the list so you can make your picks.

(Go ahead, I’ll wait…)

Now, spend a little bit of time researching those six options and narrow your list down to just three. This will give you a good set to build your Client Outreach Roadmap.

Next, identify the main method you plan to pursue. This is your Primary Outreach Method. The other two are your Secondary Outreach Methods.

These three methods are going to make up the three prongs in your own 3-Prong approach. The idea here is to always have one main way and several backup ways to connect with clients.

The outreach methods you use may change over time, but start with at least three so you can give them a chance to work. Then, switch them later as your circumstances change.  

(I’ll share more on this in a later article.)

For now, here are the main guidelines to follow for your 3-Prong Method.

  1. Choose one primary and two secondary outreach methods to use to connect with clients.
  2. Pick methods that work best for your specific situation and are doable given your time and energy resources.
  3. Use these three methods to build confidence, connections, and momentum in your writing career.

Next Week: Put the 3-Prong Method into Action

You’ve got the tools… now it’s time to build the engine!

In next week’s article, we’re going to put the pieces together so you can put this method to work in your own business.

Plus, you’ll learn how to make adjustments as your business evolves and grows.

See you then!

This article is part the series: Find New Clients With A 3-Prong Approach