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This Month in PWA

News & Notes — July 2024

Discover a surprising niche that you probably already enjoy but may never have considered, plus a fresh book club challenge you wouldn’t expect.

PWA Live Events

Jacob Olson

Explore The Booming Gaming Market

Available Now

Rebecca Griffin

2024 Writing Challenge Winner Spotlight 

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Recent Additions

Ask the Experts

Nathan Allison Headshot

Nathan Allison On Using YouTube Effectively

Member Spotlight

Writing Challenge Winner Rebecca Griffin

Rebecca Griffin: 2024 Writing Challenge Winner

Action Steps

dictionary definition of strength

Find Your Strengths

Guest Writer Series

New Member Bonus: 9 Places to Get Clients NOW

In this PWA Exclusive bonus you'll discover 9 great places to get clients now. Not next week... next year... or someday. These are places you can go to start connecting with clients straight away.

Writing Challenges

PWA 2024 “What’s Working” Cash Writing Challenge

Share what’s working for you right now with your fellow PWA writers for a chance to win one of four cash prizes! Check out the details and deadlines inside.


PWA Logos: Promoting Yourself as a PWA Member

Use your membership to gain instant credibility. Download the logos below and place them on your website, business cards, and promotional materials.

Access to -- FREE!

Your PWA membership now includes complimentary access to This exceptional job board for writers is filled with thousands of hand-curated writing opportunities and includes positions for beginners and experienced writers alike.

Log on using your myAWAI password to upload multiple versions of your writing resume, provide marketers with standing links to your portfolio, and set up alerts so that no freshly posted dream job ever slips through your fingers again. 


Customize This: Copy Project Contract

Use this as a template for your own contracts with clients. Generously shared with us by Bob Bly, his "boiler plate" contract format is easy to use, well appointed and professional … but simple and plain enough to not sound like a bunch of legal mumbo-jumbo.

PWA Private LinkedIn Group

As a member of The Professional Writers’ Alliance, you're invited to participate in a members-only private group on LinkedIn

Inside our exclusive closed group, you'll be able to connect and converse with your fellow PWA members and mentors in a direct, real-time way. You can throw out ideas for feedback... share copy, key industry articles, and business plans for review ... or just reach out for support any time you need it.

This is our special, safe place to help each other grow and thrive. Don't miss out - join in today!  

Bob Bly’s Copywriter Kit

This legacy kit from the legendary Bob Bly includes sample contracts … letters of agreement … telephone scripts … rate sheets … that you can use as a model when building your own freelance copywriting business. [Note: Refresh underway - watch this space for updates!]